
of love comes from waiting for the other person to take action even though they cannot seem to know how much waiting makes a person feel so angry because they are having to wait


runs like the tick-tock of the clock that never seems to change because you have to wait until the time makes up its mind and decides if it is going say, time’s up


is like waiting for rain that never seems to know if it is going to rain or not because there are no clouds that are visible in the sky


is like trying figure out which key it is on the keychain that is going to unlock the door you are trying to open and after trying key after key it still does not open until you realize you have had the key the whole time.


runs like the tick-tock of the clock that never seems to change because you have to wait until the time makes up its mind and decides if it is going say, time’s up


may feel like something that you want to come just never seems to come and you have waiting and waiting for an answer and nothing seems to show up


is like trying figure out which key it is on the keychain that is going to unlock the door you are trying to open and after trying key after key it still does not open until you realize you have had the key the whole time


is waiting for a dream that you have been dreaming of and it seems like every step you have taken just keeps on pulling you backwards when all you want is to move forward and be successful in your life.


may feel like something that you want to come just never seems to come and you have waiting and waiting for an answer and nothing seems to show up


is like waiting for rain that never seems to know if it is going to rain or not because there are no clouds that are visible in the sky


is waiting for a dream that you have been dreaming of and it seems like every step you have taken just keeps on pulling you backwards when all you want is to move forward and be successful in your life


of love comes from waiting for the other person to take action even though they cannot seem to know how much waiting makes a person feel so angry because they are having to wait.

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