With every glimpse of the moonlight I feel like I am underneath the clouds looking up at your eyes like they are the first thing that lights up my heart and my heart beats for you as if you are holding me on your chest next to your heart where you are keeping the door open like you are expecting someone but that one is me and when I look at you I can tell that I love you.

Where even if we go through all these ups and downs we can get through anything as long as we stick by each others sides and I know that as long as I stick by you and you stick by me we can get through anything.

Just as long as you are with me and even if you are without me I will just settle for the ghost of you where you are in my dreams showing me all that our future can be and I know that I will always have you even if I am not seeing you today I know that tomorrow is another day.

And another day it is for me to love you in the way I look at you I love you more than what I can ever say with words but here I am with my heart out on the page telling how grateful I am that you came into my life and I am thankful for all that you do for me even though I wish I could do more to be in your place and to have your presence here with me.

Where even if we go through all these ups and downs we can get through anything as long as we stick by each other’s side and I know that as long as I stick by you and you stick by me we can get through anything.

But I know I like to keep my walls up but with you, you have me breaking them down to give you my privacy and space where you have perimisson to enter even though I never took it for granted but you better keep these locks on and the key around your locket because I don’t intend on opening it back up after I let you and you dropped off your keys and put them in the door with the do not disturb because you rather not have anyone else in your place which I wouldn’t have any other way because this place was already reserved and you confirmed that you were the name on the list. 

And another day it is for me to love you in the way I look at you I love you more than what I can ever say with words but here I am with my heart out on the page telling how grateful I am that you came into my life and I am thankful for all that you do for me even though I wish I could do more to be in your place and to have your presence here with me.

My only request is that you keep a code of loyalty when you enter my heart and you become the other half of my heart where you are not just the piece of the puzzle but you are the whole that makes up the picture.

But I know I like to keep my walls up but with you, you have me breaking them down to give you my privacy and space where you have perimisson to enter even though I never took it for granted but you better keep these locks on and the key around your locket because I don’t intend on opening it back up after I let you and you dropped off your keys and put them in the door with the do not disturb because you rather not have anyone else in your place which I wouldn’t have any other way because this place was already reserved and you confirmed that you were the name on the list.

Just as long as you are with me and even if you are without me I will just settle for the ghost of you where you are in my dreams showing me all that our future can be and I know that I will always have you even if I am not seeing you today I know that tomorrow is another day.

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