I thought I had my heart in your hands and you said you would be my security but I guess that was just imaginary thinking because you left my heart in puddles of tears
Only to leave me picking up the pieces of what you thought was just paper that you left behind but slowly turned into pieces of my heart that used to belong to the puzzle
But I never thought you would close the distance and write me off like a book where you thought you told the whole story but you left out some parts that made up the puzzle to fit all the pieces.

My heart was just jacked
Without a locket or ring
That was my only.

3 thoughts on “Pieces of My Heart

  1. Oh my! You have captured that breathless mindless struggling feeling when you think “what just happened” at the end of a relationship and you realize that you (at least temporarily) lost yourself. Wow. I almost wish I didn’t understand this so well!

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